Weight loss guidelines to avoid the yo-yo effect.

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Yo-Yo Effect: The condition of body weight fluctuating, sometimes high, sometimes low, is similar to playing a spinning top or a yo-yo. When we throw a yo-yo out, the yo-yo will fall due to gravity (weight decreases). And the pulling force from the end of the string causes the yo-yo to bounce back up (weight increases). As for the method of playing a yo-yo, it is like a method of losing weight. The more force we use, the faster the yo-yo will spin down. At the same time, the force of bouncing back up is strong. Therefore, we call the abnormal swinging of weight after losing weight the yo-yo effect.

Initially, UFABET it is recommend to set a goal using the Focus on the First 5% to 10% of Body weight method. Which means setting a weight loss goal in the initial stage at 5% of body weight. Then gradually increasing it according to the steps until reaching 10% of body weight.

When we gradually move towards our goals, like climbing a staircase one step at a time, our minds will feel accomplished and we will not feel discouraged and give up halfway.

To lose weight effectively, the first thing is to choose good food and not to fast because fasting for a long time will cause the body to burn less food and produce more hunger hormones. When we stop fasting, we will eat more and gain weight. Therefore, the first tip for losing weight is to eat the right food.

Reduce consumption of foods with bad fats and high sugar. Reduce eating sweets and bubble tea. Stop eating for now. Let the body use up accumulated fat. Eat the right amount of food, not too much, not too little, and get complete nutrients. Or you can try controlling the eating period. Or what is called IF (Intermittent Fasting), which is a good choice for losing weight.

We recommends moderate exercise for 200-300 minutes per week or 30-60 minutes per day. You should do both cardio and weight training together because cardio, such as walking, running, cycling, or swimming, will help burn energy and excess fat.

However, if you do only cardio, you may lose muscle mass and look worn out. Therefore, you must do weight training to tighten your figure. And build muscle because muscles will help your metabolism or nutrient burning process work better. Which will help you maintain your weight well and not have a yo-yo effect after losing weight. In addition to exercise, moving, walking, and having activities during the day can also help you have a beautiful figure.

The saying that ‘breakfast is the most important meal’ is true because while we sleep. Our body is in a fasting phase. If we do not eat breakfast to provide energy to our body. Then our body will have to use energy from our muscle mass. And will make us feel hungrier, causing us to eat more than usual.