We believe that you are already familiar with the benefits of probiotic for our digestive system. But did you know that they are also beneficial for our skin?
Simply put, it is a small group of good microorganisms in the body, found in abundance in fermented foods such as sour milk, yogurt, kimchi, miso, etc. (However, the type used in skincare products usually comes from cow’s milk).
Popular acne treatment methods include topical medications, lasers, or oral medications that reduce inflammation and kill germs. However, at present, สมัคร ufabet, probiotics, or what many people are familiar with as lactobacillus, found in yogurt or sour milk, have been introduced to help treat acne. This is another good option for patients with weak bodies, poor digestive systems, and poor immunity.
First, let’s learn about another common cause that causes acne problems. It is a cause that many people overlook. In addition to external causes or triggers, our internal body systems are another cause that can cause acne, such as the digestive system, which is the cause of acne problems as follows:
Eating foods that are high in fat and low in dietary fiber causes constipation. After that, the body will experience abnormalities in intestinal movement. And stress affects the balance of bacteria in the intestines. The intestinal wall is imbalanced. Endotoxin toxins created by bacteria can escape from the intestinal wall into the circulatory system. When toxins from bacteria escape into the circulatory system, they will stimulate inflammation. This causes the inflammation mechanism of basic skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis and causes acne to become inflamed.
Probiotics are therefore a great helper in adjusting the natural balance of bacteria and moisture of the skin to normal.
Dealing with skin conditions caused by inflammation If you suffer from skin problems such as acne, rashes, ringworm, psoriasis, consuming additional probiotics for your body will help restore the balance of your facial skin to be stronger and restore the balance of your gut flora. When your body reaches a state of good microbial balance, the aforementioned skin problems will reduce and eventually disappear.
Reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your skin. Probiotics not only help strengthen your skin, but certain strains of probiotics have the ability to help your body create collagen to give your skin a stronger structure and smoother skin. This helps reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles caused by the breakdown of collagen and elastin. Healthy skin also provides better protection from the sun, a major cause of wrinkles.
Increase the moisture level of your skin. Dehydrated skin is a common problem because the body does not get enough water and the skin barrier is not strong enough to retain moisture. This causes excess oil and clogged pores, leading to acne. Certain strains of probiotics help strengthen the skin barrier, thus helping to retain water under the skin. As a result, your skin will be healthy and moisturized.
Prevent acne and get clear skin. Certain foods increase the skin’s oil production, which can lead to clogged pores, acne, and breakouts. People with acne often experience increased inflammation. Treating inflammation by taking probiotics regularly can help relieve the inflammation.
Repair the skin and reduce skin sensitivity. Sensitive skin tends to be dry and red easily when exposed to stimuli such as sunlight, cold air or wind. In cases of itching, it feels tight and hot easily. Probiotics help reduce skin inflammation, making the skin less stressed and able to repair itself better. It also helps strengthen the skin’s protective barrier, making sensitive skin less damaged.